Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nursery... Do you really need one?

People get all hyped up about baby stuff and they start designing a nursery with dreams of pinterest in their minds, they get all this baby stuff that their registry checklist says is a "must have" and then bam the baby is here and they are just swimming in stuff. However instead of having a million articles of clothing that my son will grow out of right away or the newest and greatest electronic toy I have decided to take an approach at minimalism. We don't even have a nursery set up. It is literally a crib that we will end up bringing into our room and converting into a co-sleeper. Yes, my son has all the clothes and diapers that he needs but most importantly he has my time. Babies aren't going to remember what color there nursery room wall was painted or what the theme was. Instead what really matters in that they have loving and caring parents to bond with them. No amount of "stuff" could ever replace that. My parents were not the most available people when I was growing up and I want to change that for my children. So I have decided to opt with not having a nursery, I know that it may be a big uproar for some people, but how can families all of the world survive without having a designated area for babies. People have done this for generations and we still managed to turn out all right. So my minimalistic approach will not cause problems to my child just because it isn't the mainstream thing that most American parents are doing in 2015.

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