Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Days 1 & 2: Minimalism Sept. 1st Challenge

I am doing a challenge on the Minimalist Babycenter Board where we get rid of at least something everyday until September 1st. I will be logging it here:

Day #1
-Went through a bag, put stuff away and only found one item to get rid of. I tried to toss some CDs but DH wanted to keep those. Now I am going through the living room.
1. Jean Material Bag- Donate
2. Ikea Plastic Bag Holder- Donate (We are now only using reusable bags)

Day #2
-Today I went through a laundry basket, and then I started going though things in the kitchen. From today's work I have half a big black garbage bag full.

1. Pair of Ikea lace curtains (They used to be hanging in the archway between the kitchen and the living room.)
2.  Old Towel
3. Waterbottle
4.  Coffee Cup
5. 2 Cereal Containers
6. 1 Funnel
7. Pull-Up Bar (We haven't used it in a while since DH works out at the Gym instead.)
8. Pair of Mr. & Mrs. signs (We bought them for our wedding but I never used them.)
9. Random Bottle Parts
10.  2 old pillows
11. Pack of toothpicks
12. Broken Iphone
13. Broken doll & stand
14. Dh's box of bachlor dishes that he never opened while in the dorms
15. New in box convection oven (We haven't used it for a year we probably never will.)
16. Wipes warmer
17. Random lid to a pot that we no longer have.

It is just bit by bit to become minimalist. It's a marathon not a race. Eventually we all will get there.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Struggles of Breastfeeding

I have to admit something. While I was pregnant I was so sure that I was going to be able to breastfeed. Life happens and it throws you a curve ball. Two days after we brought my son home we discovered mold in our apartment. My husband and I didn't want our newborn to get sick so we went and stayed with my paternal grandparents. Breastfeeding was hard in the hospital and it was a struggle. The lactation consultant kept hovering and would really stress me out and my son would have trouble nursing. I also was suffering with postpartum depression. That alone is rough. While I was staying with my grandparents I was under a lot of stress, because I was a mother to a newborn and was not able to be in my own home. I really enjoy breastfeeding however due to the gap of one week where I didn't nurse him much and gave him formula. My supply dropped. I have been using oatmeal to try to bring my supply up. And right now I only have two 6 oz. frozen bags of breast milk in the freezer. I am trying my hardest, but it just seems like it's not enough. The wonderful pastor's wife at church who is nursing her daughter told me some wise advice. "You give the gift that you have and that's all you can give." That really helped a lot and I figured mom's out there would love to hear that even if you are a slightly crunchy mom and want to breastfeed that it isn't the end of the world if you can't. I feel like many mothers judge other's parenting choices. However the most important thing is that you tried to do your best in parenting your child or children.
Your life isn't over if you can't breastfeed, so don't feel guilty about it. Some women can't breastfeed based on the fact that they are on medication. They tried and couldn't do it or like me have struggled with it. There should be no mommy guilt for not breast feeding. A fed baby is a happy baby no matter if it is with formula or breast milk

Flats Handwashing Challenge!

I will be participating in Dirty Diaper Laudry's 6th Annual Flats Handwashing! This event is the one that made me get excited about cloth diapering. I really love flats and they are a major part of my stash. On this blog I will be documenting my experience for a week. The flats challenge starts May 16 and ends May 22! Go sign up now if you would like to join! I'm really excited about this and I hope you are to! This is the event that led me to use flats as a big part of my stash. Yes I have pockets, AIO, prefolds, and fitteds. But flats have a special place in my stash. They are great for traveling and we even took them to the beach with us when we traveled since they are less bulky any other type of diaper. Flats are cheap enough that you can have +100 flats if you really need them. Personally I love the Diaper Rite Large Bamboo Flats. I have tried the Nicki's Cotton Flats & And the Diaper Rite Cotton Flats and I feel like they aren't as absorbent. However the Bamboo flats that I have do shrink so be forewarned about that. Flour Sack Towels also known as fst are popular however when I used them for my heavy wetter he soaked them clear through. I am a college student and stay at home mom. I don't find cloth diapering any harder than using disposables, because my son is allergic to disposable diapers. I hope this challenge will inspire you to just give cloth diapering a try.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The countdown has begun...

Malachi is almost here and I am 36 weeks. The countdown has begun and I haven't been on the blog lately. In other news I got a 4.0 last semester for my Fall term classes and I'm hoping to get a 4.0 this term on my Winter term classes that I am taking online. Life has been really busy since the holidays and getting ready for baby that I haven't even had time to check my blog.
Last term I wrote a story for my World Religions class that I am going to turn into a mini series. That class was amazing and really reignited my love for writing again. Ben has been awfully busy this term because of his ROTC and taking 16 credit hours. I'm not exactly sure how he does it but he's practically superman.